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About the Founder


Chief Innovation Evangelist, and Future of Education Strategist. I help school boards, educators and parents understand new and evolving themes in the 21st century, the future of work and how to help prepare children to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital information driven world.

XPrize Connect Advisory Board member: The XPrize Connect Future of Learning Lab will create a vision of an equitable and sustainable future for education and technology. We help young learners around the world reach their full potential.

Former education lead at The Faubert Applied Research Centre (ARC), a non-profit research centre dedicated to studying and furthering cognitive human performance potential.

Recipient of the BAIE Trailblazer in Innovation Award presented by the CIO of BMO.
Former President of NeuroEdX

Former Executive Director at Technology Intelligence firm (gathered intelligence on disruptive and novel clean technology for Fortune 500 companies)

Former Venture Partner of Yet2 Ventures secondary fund (Canadian technology and fund scouting)

Former exclusive Canadian partner to the world's largest open innovation marketplace (Tech scouting of new and novel future technologies for Fortune 500 companies. Created partnerships between SME and Fortune 500 companies)

Former member of core strategic planning team for one of the best international private schools in South America (Helped with the design and implementation of inquiry based learning curriculum)

Former junior chairperson at inner city school in the Toronto District School Board

Former teacher (9 years as a teacher, two of those in Peru and the rest in Canada)

Speaker at the Peter Lougheed Conference, an invitation only executive conference for oil executives in Calgary, Canada

Speaker at Council of Engineering Scientific Society Executives

Speaker at Conference Board of Canada

Keynote speaker at the Empowering Modern Learners Peel District Conference

Future of Education segment expert on Canada's national breakfast show, CTV's Your Morning 

© 2020 by TomorrowNow Learning Labs

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